Code-39 or Code-128 Images
Here you can purchase sequences of either code-39 or code-128 images. These will be emailed to you in 4 different formats (Bitmap, Eps., Tiff, Jpeg, PDF) via a shared drop box folder.
Please specify what alpha-numeric data sequence you want in the “additional information” section when you get to the checkout page – Something like 1000-1999 works well for a lot of 1000.
Note – these come in a standard size of 22mm x 30mm – if you require a different size please specify this in “additional information” section during checkout
Quantity | Price per image |
1 | £ 15.00 |
2 | £ 12.50 each |
3 | £ 10.00 each |
4 + | £ 8.00 each |
10 + | £ 6.00 each |
20 + | £ 4.00 each |
50 + | £ 2.00 each |
Code-39 or Code-128 Images